Sunday 18 January 2009

Watching Thillers

In this lesson Mary showed us clips from the following thillers, 'Let Em Play God' and 'The Shinning'. These films gave me ideas on how to create suspense and the right times to entice the watcher.

Examples of suspense in the films-

One of the scenes is when the father had to check one of the hotel room for the old women who had hit his son. The scene we know whether the old women excited or not. The suspense was due to the music which had us hooked because we knew that something frighting was going to happen. I think the music had a major role on what we thought was going to happen and it did and its effect was increased by the music.

Another example was the boy in the hotel with the camera following him from behind. This meant the audience had no control and surely left me open, as when the boy goes to the door and suddenly we see the two girls, presumably on the other side of the door, i had a little fright.

I feel the idea of a tracking shot from behind, where the audience is taken to the action or moment of thrill, along with effective music will go along way to creating a successful thriller.

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