Sunday 18 January 2009

Learning how to match cut.

In this lesson we learned about 'Match Cuts'; a match cut is a transition made when editing, this is when two different clips are cut together directly the same, of a person of an object, to make the film flow from one cut to another, this should be done so that it is unnoticeable to the naked eye.
As a group we had to do a written exercise of match cutting a scenario of a man chain smoking then taking a Cd , and posting it.
Once we had some this exercise Mickey showed us a film in which he had done previously of the scenario, and we had to identify the match cuts then see if we had chosen any of the same match cuts in which he had done in his film.
This exercise was very good, and it will help us a lot when we next film and edit.

In this lesson we were also told to plan out our next practice film we would be doing next lesson, we had a scenario that we had to follow.
The scenario was; a person walking then sitting down in front of another person then a short bit of dialogue.

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