Sunday 18 January 2009

Tutorial On Using Camera's.

After the last lesson on the tutorial of Final Cut Pro, and editing, we did some practical camera work.
Mickey came into our class and show us how to use the camera's, for example, putting a battery into a camera, inserting and ejecting a tape..etc. When we first got told that we were having a tutorial on how to work the camera's, i thought that it would be easy doing simple things like inserting and ejecting a tape from a camera, but after getting the chance to actually do it, i found it difficult but after practicing these simple procedures i found it easy.
We then learned how to record with the camera, and pausing, fast forwarding/rewinding things using different settings on the camera's aswell.
After we had learning to use the camera we learned how to use a tripod, this consisted of putting it up and down, the different heights it goes to , and the different angle shots it could be used for, and how to clip the camera to the tripod.
This lessons was very useful , and helped me extent my knowledge on using different cameras, and i also realised that tripods are very important when filming to create a steady surface when filming and also panning can be done using a tripod rather than doing it unsteady when doing it hand held.

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