Sunday 11 January 2009

On december the 11th we had to edit our previous filming into one stream of a flowing short sequence. First we had to import our filming and save it into segments so we knew where all our seperate bits of filming were, this would make it easier when we came to editing, and would save alot of time as we wouldnt have to be searching in clips for what we wanted. We followed our storyboard and combined all of the shots together making sure our timing was crucial. The bit that we found particularly hard to match cut was a worms eye view and a birds eye view of me running down the stairs it was very difficult but we then realized we had filmed this sequence many times as we said we would in our pre production as we had realized before hand how difficult this shot would be to edit. We went through all of the sequences and eventually found one that we could use. Once we had finished editing we used sound, we found a piece of music that built tension through the piece, it started off slow and as the piece went on it went louder and built into a creshendo.

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