Friday 23 January 2009

5th January

On this day, the class went into the MAC room & we were given a sound editing task. We were first shown a '007: Casino Royale' trailer where we were asked to pay specific attention to the sound. Next, we did an excercise where there were different scenes which we selected & had an opportunity to add & take away essential sounds like the music track; atmosphere tone & dialogue. After exploring, I established the importance of playing every sound at the right time in every scene.

Aftwerwards, the class had a go at composing together sound tracks & effects that would fit into different scenes of the film. I selected an airport scene where there is a variety of crashing, screeching, braking & police sound effects. I had a wide range of sounds to choose from which differed in volume & length. It was difficult & challenging but beneficial to figure out what sounds to use & when.

At the end, I had created a sound track that I was proud of, it wasnt near the original however I felt that it could still be used.

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