Thursday 29 January 2009

Pitching and storyboards.

Todays lesson we created several different ideas and tried to combine them into one solid idea. There was a bit of dispute in which idea to choose but we tried to pick in a fair way so nobody felt like there idea was being ignored. We pitched our plot to mickey who was not too sure about our idea. And neither was I. I didnt like the idea at all and felt that it was half of our media grade and we needed something more intresting, something that the audience would want to continue watching, however i did not think any of this. I came up with a new idea which none of my group members paricularly liked, but after hearing the other groups ideas we had felt like ours was not as good as it could be, nor up to the potential that we could make it have. In the end we decided to stick with our first idea as i was constantly reminded by various members of my group, that it't not about the plot, story nor acting but on the way in which we edit and use sound which really makes or breaks our grade.

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