Sunday 18 January 2009

First Practice Filming

In the previous we were given homework of having to storyboard for filming in the next lesson, being honest we did a quick story board of what we were going to film. When it came to filming in the lesson, we had a rough idea of we were going to film, we used filmed from different angles in and around college, we used the 5 second rule when we filmed , so that we were able to edit our films easier.
When we filmed Marika running down the stairs, we used a slow zoom into the college which was very effective when we did our editing.
I found that filming was hard, as we had just started and we were a bit like toddlers just learning to walk, as we didn't know that much, but for a first time filming it when very well and our film came out well.
After we had done our filming we had to start to edit our film. We uploaded our film on to the apple mac computers then we used final cut pro, to start cutting and editing our pieces of clip into making a final film. I found that this process was not very difficult but just very long and repetitive, so i found it had to focus.
After the clip had be finally done, we had to at sound to our film, we had never had a tutorial on using sound, so i was adding different sounds randomly to make a good sound, it did end up coming out well... but it would have been better,if we had had a proper tutorial on it... i was sure that soon we will have one before our final time filming.

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