Sunday 18 January 2009

The Preliminary Film.

In the last lesson we had done our planning for this lesson of filming,
we had a 3 hour lesson to do our second filming and editing the clips together aswell.
Our second filming when extremely well, this was because as a group we had all gain knowledge from the lesson which we had tutorials and helped each other when filming to make our film the best it could possibly be.
The things that we learned between the first and second filming sessions were mainly match cuts, but this made our film so much strong and more professional in the long run.
When we did our filming we followed the forms and conventions of real films, we did this by making the lighting dimmed when Nathan walked from one room into the room were Sly was sitting to create suspense, our mise-en-scene was two people in a room, wearing normal clothing, we used no props as it created more suspense when no props were used.
We then went to the editing suite and edited our film , we uploaded it to the apple mac computers, we then used final cut pro, to start editing out clips.
Unfortunately we did not have enough time to finish editing our film , or add sound to it, but the editing that we did , we did very well , and the match cuts we used were very good and unnoticeable when we watched it through.
Our second filming was a lot better then our first filming, and hopefully we will learn more and get better at filming and editing by the time we do our final thriller film.

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