Sunday 11 January 2009

Now to put our editing and filming skills into practise, we as a class were asked to create a short 10/15 second thriller piece using a newspaper. We recieved a tutorial on how to work the camera before hand to ensure we all knew how to work the newest camera models, we were watched closely and had to repeat certain things for example ejecting a tape and how to turn the camera on and off to ensure we didnt have to interupt filming for something forgotten. My group decided to use the news paper as if it was an article somebody was trying to hide, we used various shots, birdseye view to show what i was doing with my hands but not to reveal the identity of myself in order to keep the audience in suspense, pan shots to show what was going on around me, an extreme close up on my eyes to keep the audience in further suspense as my expression was only slightly shown as shocked, this builds tension in the audience as they are eager to know what has happened/ whats going to happen next, a point of view shot to make the audience feel asthough they are the character, an establishing/wide shot to show the setting and location, and last but not least my favourite shot a pan up and down a 4 story high building; the college, to show the location, this makes the audience feel confused as they dont know what to be looking out for, the camera then slowly zooms into the building to see my frantically running down the stairs, the camera pan's me all the way down, we then had the idea to match cut a shot of me running down the stairs with a P.O.V of my feet running. There were various things we had to remember when filming, the key was to allow 5 seconds of running tape before and after the action on screen took place, this was to ensure that when editing we dont have to re-shoot thing and as we may need space before or after. We also had to remember that the persons head should always be near the top or side and you shouldn't have alot of space in the scene, this looks very unproffesional, and instead we should just move the camera closer to our character.

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