Sunday 15 March 2009

We learnt alot from our match cut thriller practise. Mainly the lighting, we realized that although things may seem alot brighter on the camera screen when it is logged and captured and uploaded to so we had to bear in mind constantly when filming our actual thriller piece. Today was our final date to finish our thriller pieces, we had great difficulty with our various credits, as we needed them to be the same throughout, same colour size font and placing, however in certain shots the colour would simply blend in with the video. One we had overcome this problem by simply setting the colour to white which was a resistant colour from all of our other shots, we made sure that all of our sound had finished, been lowered and made louder in all the right places. We cut our soundeffects by mili-seconds on the mac computers just to make sure everything was in time with the actual video. Unfortunately half way through our video sequence there was a small gap which made a black screen appear on screen, this was only for a split second, and nobody else could notice, however because we were constantly editing it and watching it then re-watching it, it enabled us to realize small details. Once we had finished our sequence we watched them in class the following lesson. We were very dissapointed at the size of our credits as you could not read the writing as we failed to realize that although we could see it on our small mac computers screens when it is projected onto a larger screen writing will appear smaller. However we could not change this. When it came to watching our trailers in the VUE cinema in angel we were extremely dissapointed that none of our credits could be established as writing. So if i could that would definitely be a glitch i would change in our piece. Also in one of our shots, we added a sound effect of a clock ticking, which carries on after the clock hands stop moving, this would definitely be another element i would change.

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