Thursday 26 March 2009

The Cinema Experience

The Cinema experience was very good...
As we arrived at the cinema, it felt like a premiere for a new load of films coming soon. Sitting waiting one by one for our film to come up, it finally came.
Watching our film on the big screen was very good, quite dawnting watching myself on a big screen, but it was good. Hearing the reactions from the audience was good, we got lots of claps, from the audience, this showed that they enjoyed our thriller trailer.
After all our hard work that we had put into doing this thriller trailer, it payed of when we got to the cinema to watch it.

Seeing other peoples thrillers was nice aswell,as we could compare, and see all the different types of work that other students had done, and all the work they had put into doing it.

I Enjoyed , and Appriciated going to the Vue Cinema in Angel, to watch the Premiere of the AS Thriller Title Sequences.

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