Sunday 22 February 2009

Pitch For Final Thriller.

The Pitch.

As a group we had to pitch our idea, we thought of lots of different ideas to start with, but after lots of chopping and changing our idea to make it less complex , we eventually came up with a final plot line for out title sequence.
For a start we wanted speech, but teachers told us that it will lower our piece, and not make the piece it could be , as speech would ruin it, so we decided to take the speech out, and then we had to think of different ways of communicating to the audience what we wanted to say , but without speech. This would definitely be a challenge for our group, but we thought we would take up the challenge and make our title sequence the best it could be.

The Final Title Sequence Plot.

A woman is in her house, a man comes to fix her computer, she offers him a cup of tea.
Shes gone away making the tea , time has past, the job is finished.. The tea is made, and a newspaper is left next to it, it had a front page article of a woman being dead for 3 years ago.
This leaves mystery of :
- How she died ?
- Did anyone kill her ?
- Was it the computer man ?
- How was she there in the present time , when she died in the past ?

All question will be revealed if too watch the full movie.

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