Sunday 22 February 2009

First Filming Session.

We filmed a lot of our thriller sequence in our first three hour lesson.
We meet up, and went to our location which was at Silvester's House. This is an ordinary house, which fits the conventions of a thriller location.
Marika then filmed me, and i was playing the ''Dead'' Woman, and she also filmed Silvester when he was the walking up of the stairs into the house, and knocking the door and some other footage of Silvester fixing the computer and coming into the house.
We filmed from different shots and angles, so that when we were going to edit, we would have lots of varieties of shots and angles to choose from. When filming Marika used the 5 second rule, and also did not break the 180 rule, when filming, and any clips that we did not use the 180 rule for bi- accident we would cut out when editing next lesson.
We also thought about the Mise-En-Scene :
Props- Everyday household items
Location- Silvester house
Clothes - Dead Woman; Normal Everyday outfit. Computer Engineer; Plain Yellow Jumper, Cap and Jeans.
Lighting- Plain daylight, No added lighting.
After we had done the 3 hours worth of filming, we went back to college and returned all the equipment we borrowed.

The filming when very well , we all worked together, so that most of the filming was done so that we did not have to come back and do much more filming in the next up and coming weeks.

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