Sunday 22 February 2009

More Filming

We went back to our location to film.
We finished filming Silvester's feet , and walking up and down for the start of the thriller.
We used a selection of different shot types and angles, so that we could add them to the final thriller, when editing.
This took up our lunch and our 1 and a 1/2 hour lesson, so it was well worth it , to get the extra footage, and it also gave us sum more editing to do and less filming to do next time.
It went well, it was rushed a bit, but it went according to plan.

First Editing Session

As we had used Final Cut Pro before in a tutorial , i felt comfortable using it to start editing.

First we had to 'Log and Capture' all the footage into different shots, and angles to make it easier when editing our footage, we had to do this before we could even start editing.

Once i had log and captured i started to edit our footage, clip by clip, putting them together, by using the in and out points on final cut pro.
We used a range of footage that i could select from to edit ,and once i started it, i did it so that the footage flowed continuously and the cuts were not visible.

I had an hour and half lesson edit in, i found it difficult as it was a limited time, and the computers played up a bit , but after i got going i did half of the editing needed for the final title sequence, and i could assess and decide what i needed to finish off when it comes to filming for the next lesson, to make the title sequence complete.

First Filming Session.

We filmed a lot of our thriller sequence in our first three hour lesson.
We meet up, and went to our location which was at Silvester's House. This is an ordinary house, which fits the conventions of a thriller location.
Marika then filmed me, and i was playing the ''Dead'' Woman, and she also filmed Silvester when he was the walking up of the stairs into the house, and knocking the door and some other footage of Silvester fixing the computer and coming into the house.
We filmed from different shots and angles, so that when we were going to edit, we would have lots of varieties of shots and angles to choose from. When filming Marika used the 5 second rule, and also did not break the 180 rule, when filming, and any clips that we did not use the 180 rule for bi- accident we would cut out when editing next lesson.
We also thought about the Mise-En-Scene :
Props- Everyday household items
Location- Silvester house
Clothes - Dead Woman; Normal Everyday outfit. Computer Engineer; Plain Yellow Jumper, Cap and Jeans.
Lighting- Plain daylight, No added lighting.
After we had done the 3 hours worth of filming, we went back to college and returned all the equipment we borrowed.

The filming when very well , we all worked together, so that most of the filming was done so that we did not have to come back and do much more filming in the next up and coming weeks.

Pitch For Final Thriller.

The Pitch.

As a group we had to pitch our idea, we thought of lots of different ideas to start with, but after lots of chopping and changing our idea to make it less complex , we eventually came up with a final plot line for out title sequence.
For a start we wanted speech, but teachers told us that it will lower our piece, and not make the piece it could be , as speech would ruin it, so we decided to take the speech out, and then we had to think of different ways of communicating to the audience what we wanted to say , but without speech. This would definitely be a challenge for our group, but we thought we would take up the challenge and make our title sequence the best it could be.

The Final Title Sequence Plot.

A woman is in her house, a man comes to fix her computer, she offers him a cup of tea.
Shes gone away making the tea , time has past, the job is finished.. The tea is made, and a newspaper is left next to it, it had a front page article of a woman being dead for 3 years ago.
This leaves mystery of :
- How she died ?
- Did anyone kill her ?
- Was it the computer man ?
- How was she there in the present time , when she died in the past ?

All question will be revealed if too watch the full movie.

Wednesday 4 February 2009

good blogging so far!

well done group 22 - good blogging so far. I notice nobody has embedded a clip from the thrillers we watched in class - it would be useful to demonstrate the real output which has inspired your own Thrillers.