Thursday 25 June 2009

Directors Interview Questions- Part 2

DVD Extra from 283goswell on Vimeo.

Directors Interview Questions- Part 1

Directors Interview Questions -Part 1


1) Why did you choose this particular location for your film?

We wanted to give the audience a false sense of security by immediately by placing them in everyday surroundings to make them feel comfortable and to then tempt there boundaries and there security zones 

2) How much did you have to consider the mise-en-scene to create a good effect for the film?

We wanted to keep the props and additional items to a minimum as we wanted to create a naturalistic setting.

3) What lighting did you use, and why?

Again, we used natural lighting to create a natural scene and begun filming at 8 in the morning as an attempt to capture a clear sky.

4) What camera angles did you use to create a good effect, and why?

We used lots of wide shots to establish the setting . also a lot of mid close-ups and close-ups, to capture emotions and facial expressions.

5) What camera shots did you use to create a good effect, and why?

At the beginning of the piece we do a 180 degree establishing pan, to show the scenery and establish the location.

6) How did you portray the characters through the clothes?

We portrayed the characters through the clothes for example, the computer man, we used a simple yellow jumper, and jeans that is realistic to an actual computer man would wear.

7) Why did you open the scene walking up stairs?

We wanted to almost throw the audience right into the scene, and at the same time confuse the audience to add mystery as to who is walking up the stairs.