Monday 15 December 2008

Cafe Video Tutorial

On the 8th of December, the class was taken into the MAC computer room and asked to put together separate scenes of an episode. This was to practice and gain knowledge on editing for future use. We were given a scenario of a cafe, including a young boy, a tramp and a waitress. Using final cut pro, we viewed each clip and made decisions on how to compose them together effectively. 

Bait video tutorial.

On the 8th of december we were asked to compose a sequence out of different clips that had been filmed using final cut pro. We had to consider all aspects of editing, for example the timing was crucial and it would determine the difference between a watchable piece and a less substansial piece. We did this exercise in order to widen our knowledge in editing and to practise for future use. We were asked to concentrate on the editing aspect and were told we would come to the sound aspect later. The task interms of editing were fairly easy but this was because we were practising our match cut techniques. This task was very hard as although there were various clips that could have been edited together we had to capture emotions and movements and make sure they fitted together with the next edit.